Smart Planet Vision 2030

The Climate Change Crisis is bigger than every issue and even wars mankind has seen so far, as we’re combating both climate and time. The creation of an environmentally SMART PLANET - as opposed to mere electronically Smart Homes - is the only solution.

We need immediate action to stop the Extinction Event”, Sir David Attenborough and a number of other scientists have warned. “Not doing enough. Global Warming will breach critical threshold by 2030”, declared the IPCC.  PSE coined the term Smart Planet in 2019.  The idea is to empower people to take environmentally smart decisions everyday as opposed to being passive participants in electronically smart homes and cities. 

Key Issue: A plethora of Micro-Visions 

Every effort counts when it comes to combating the Climate Crisis. But in the context of what needs to be done, even a million macro visions seem like too little. Planet Symphony advocates the creation of a Real-time Global Data Monitoring System that specifies quantifiable macro-targets (like 40 billion Trees to be planted by 2030) and keeps deducting from this number even as various nations, corporate houses, academic & environmental institutions and citizens do so and Geo-Tag it.  The following table aims to put some issues in perspective and the stats are based on (or have been calculated from) data published by National Geographic, Forbes, Bloomberg, Scientific American, etc. 

Planet Symphony Macro-Vision 2030: Targets




36-54 billion trees (3 years) over 1.4 million sq miles


Deforestation still continues in critical areas


Roof Greening


Almost every urban Heat Island has to be cooled down


Water body recovery


Thousands across the world need to be restored or built


A long way off


Solar, Wind and Renewable Energy


About 70% more required


Several countries are massively scaling up Solar & Wind options

The Planet Symphony aims to inspire, catalyze, facilitate and fund-raise for the above macro-initiatives in collaboration with various organizations.  It also aims to create a synergy between various organizations to maximize impact, wherever possible. 

Climate Solutions & Competitions:

An inter-school and inter-college competition to challenge young innovators to come up with climate solutions. 

Open to: Middle, High School & College students 

Categories:  Economical, eco-friendly solutions for Bio-fuel, Desalination, Wind Energy Powered Vehicles

Prizes for: Scalability and immediate applicability at a regional, national or international level. 

Events for Environment (EfE)

The Planet Symphony also raises awareness of climate issues and solutions including solar power, water-body recovery, reforestation and other green initiatives.  Further, they are aimed to raise funds for environmental NGOs as well as for educational & cultural institutions to support climate action in collaboration with alumni & enthusiasts.

Those who wish to consult or engage with the Planet Symphony on these can Whatsapp +91 98401 22711 or email [email protected] or post their issues or solutions in the Facebook Group.

Government Action Plans for Smart Planet 2030

A safe planet for current and future generations are fundamental environmental rights of every human being and every species.

  • Every Government must make a formal declaration of this and strive to implement or incentivize every measure that ensures this not only for the richest 1 billion but also for the poorest 3 billion.
  • While many Governments are doing a lot with Climate visions such as Lifestyle for the Environment (LiFE), it is imperative that citizens be nudged by them to become active participants of micro climate initiatives.
  • An alliance of environmental experts, educational institutions, NGOs, sportspersons, artists and concerned citizens from diverse regions have come together to suggest the following Climate Action Recommendations (CAR) following the PSE-CSD Online Climate Conclave on 15th June 2023. A few are already being implemented by some countries.
  • Allocating even 50% of monies set aside for expensive Disaster Management to Disaster Prevention.
  • Climate Literacy & Action Films and Events: 30-90 second inspirational films on Roof Greening, RWH etc and Art-Science live Environmental Awareness Events.
  • New legislations to mandate citizens to implement 3R at least partially within a reasonable period
  • Tax incentives and/or Fines for compliance or non-compliance.
  • Government recommendations to companies to definitely set aside 40-50% of CSR as Corporate Environmental Responsibility (CER)
  • Support to NGOs or businesses involved in important climate solutions for the above and others such as EV and alternate sources such as Water from Air, Waterless Washing Machines & treatment and reuse of greywater
  • More Competitions and Awards for entrepreneurs and students who come up with Climate Solutions
  • Green Roofs, Recharge Wells and Greener Energy options in every Government building and more greenery at ground levels wherever possible.
  • At least one recharge well for every 50-100 feet in road sides and public spaces and more trees wherever possible.
  • Leaders and celebrities can suggest their fans and followers to gift them seeds instead of flowers!

Governments could treat this war against Global Warming and allocate higher budgets for Climate and also get armed forces involved in Climate Action.